Open Letter to The Kinetic Universe
It has been nearly a month since the greatest event ever has closed for another year. Each night I go to sleep with the drum beats of the beach party still making my chest pound.
I can still smell the many campfires. I can still remember the faces the smiling faces of the drivers and crew. The taste of my first "Ruby" kiss, and the taste of the best beef stew I have ever consumed.
I saw first hand what it was like to be a participant. Whether it was a driver or a peon, the absolute joy that enveloped the crowd was indeed intoxicating. I was fortunate enough to be the entourage of a "Queen". Therefore I was privy to being introduced to things and people that mere tourists never get to enjoy. For that I will always be truly grateful.
I got to meet "Murphy", a single man driver. I was able to enjoy the company of a former Queen and her awesome support crew. Katy Texas, you did so rock, and I was so honored to be able to spend some time conversing with you. Nick from Oberon, you are and amazing Chef and for you to provide the food you made was truly a gesture of love. Ruby and her "Ruby Kisses" and her lovely banquet she provided as "bribes" was stellar. I was able to spend time and space with at least four prior Queens. Jermajesty, your reign will be a golden page in the Races history. Romy, goddess of wine and dance you too were a memory that will last forever. The many giving and sharing people at the bonfire that shared all they had and expected nothing but a smile and love in return. The dance I got to share with all the Queens and with Harmony will forever be etched upon my heart and soul. Thank you Harmony for all you gave so that we could free ourselves and in my belief become one heart one soul. That gathering from start to finish was without a doubt the most enthralling event I have ever experienced in my 50+ years walking this planet. As write this my heart is still pounding to the wonderful drum beat that our "band" shared with us. To the Fire Princess who graced me with the best picture of the event, thank you.
For me it was the most enjoyable and heart wrenching event. I had the best of times meeting the best of all people. I also had the knowledge that this was to be my last weekend in Humboldt for quite sometime. I was both enlightened to tears from all the love and fun being shared, to the greedy self indulgent sadness as this, as all good things must eventually come to and end. I have made promises to people that I would again return to my home in Humboldt. I have a Queen to get crowned. I hope that I am still able to be a part of that entourage, and to do my part to get him elected.
To the volunteers, officials, announcers, and Shining Heralds, you should be very proud of your work. You made this person very happy to be a part of the best event ever.
Glenn Thompson
P.S. To my "Queen" mere words cannot envelope my feelings for you and the wonderful gift you gave to me. Thank you does not begin to describe what you laid before my feet, and the joy you brought my soul.
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