Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Race Results

It was a glorious race and the results were presented at the annual banquet following the finish of the race. Everyone ate a GREAT meal and we thanked one and all and then it was time for the awards!

Here are the awards mostly in the order they were presented:

Teddy Bear Award:
The Teddy Bear Lady, Judy, presented 2 special bears. One to Eureka Natural Foods Natty Bears for such an audaciously large machine. The other to Funguy (Octomom) for his kinetic perseverance.

The Teddy Bear Award went to: Pandemonium Rules

Justin Hobart Brown (the Glorious Reason) presented the Spirit of the Glorious Founder Award to: Octomom (trust us...large, great art, huge crumbling wheels...just like Hobart)

6:32 Award (goes to the first machine that misses the close of the course day one thereby loosing their ace so at least they get a trophy) went to For Salefish

Many volunteers were thanked and recognized (sorry if I spell your name wrong) Richard, Adrienne, Jeremy, and Gloria

Best Volunteer of the Year (two winners): Suzanne & Laura

Best Pit Crew: Dave from Big Top (he swam across the Eel River to get a pump, lost a shoe and is still smiling--what a pit crew!)

Spectators' Award (crowd favorite) Tin Pan Dragon

Best Campsite: The Ruby Dew (thanks for feeding all of us Wendy!)

Special Ruby Award was created and presented by Justin and Chelsea to Dick Daniels just because of all he does for the race so he knows we all love him!

The Kinetic Cops presented an award to the machine most ticketed by them (rules 1 & 10 having fun) and that went to: Karriage of Kalamity

Most Improved: Bubbilicious

2nd to Last: Ruby Dew

Poor Pitiful Me Award: Henry Ford Shoots for the Moon (They didn't make the start, but were at the finish)

Biggest Splash: Kanga Rex (their machine separated from the flotation and sank, but they pulled it out and put it back together again)

One for the Little Guy Award: Against Medical Advice

They Came From Out of Town: Glory Hogs (includes a $50 gas card)

Golden Flipper: Big Top (now known as Big Topple for their spectacular spill at Dead Man's Drop)

Goddess Jen-O Award (because she can): Lightning Bug

Condor Queen Award (from the Ventura race): Shark Bait

Klamath Falls Award (entry to that race): The Biking Fools (all their teams)

Golden Dinosaur (1st machine to breakdown after leaving the Plaza): Eureka Natural Foods Natty Bears (aka Basket Case)

Racers' Choice: Octomom

Hobart Brown Lifetime Achievement Award: Bob Brown
(he was at the first race, always comes to the banquet, and embodies the kinetic spirit!)

Mediocre Award (goes to the machine that finished dead middle. Traditionally a car--this one can fit in the palm of your hand, but it gets great mileage): BDI

ACE Awards (These teams did the whole thing on their own without any pushing, pulling or that kind of cheating whatsoever.) Please stand and say, "Professor" whenever they enter the room.

Compost Sheep & the Garden Girls



All Terrain Tiki Bar


Big Friendly Giraffe

Art of the People

Under the overall category of Pagentry:

Best Bribe: Compost Sheep & the Garden Girls

3rd Pagentry: Ruby Dew

2nd Pagentry: Compost Sheep & the Garden Girls

1st Pagentry: Big Top

In the category of time (must be an ACE machine) the speed awards are:

3rd Best Time: All Terrain Tiki Bar 14:19

2nd Best Time: Twinkle 11:56

1st Best Time: Big Friendly Giraffe 10:51

In the Category of Art

3rd Place in Art: Tin Pan Dragon

2nd Place in Art: Solid Gold Fifi

1st Place in Art: Kinetic Chicken

In the Category of Engineering (must be an ACE machine)

3rd Place in Engineering: Compost Sheep & the Garden Girls

2nd Place in Engineering: Twinkle

1st Place in Engineering: Hippypotamus

The Kinetic Grand Champion, exhibiting the best of Art, Engineering, Pageantry & Speed (must be an ACE machine) is:

Art of the People from Eureka High East Lab

Congratulations to all the participants! Let's do it again next year!

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