Saturday, May 26, 2007

Day One - One the Beach - Part 1

Jen White again.....after snapping a few pictures on the Plaza in Arcata, I headed out to the Manila Community Center. I was there for the arrival of the first racers, but Kinetic madness has struck me and I can't remember who it was. There was a nice big BBQ going, a band playing, and a few bouncy inflatables for the kids...and of course the crews and peons switching the sculptures from road gear into sand gear.

I headed west from the Community Center and over the dunes towards the beach, it was quite a walk! I found a nice perch to watch the sculptures pass by as they headed South down the beach towards Dead Man's Drop....Lucky me, my viewing area was the same place that Fife on a Stick caught on fire and I was joined by a group of fire fighters. As other sculptures passed by, Fife's crew would flag them over to help put out the fire. They even had special Kinetic fire retardant and a Kinetic powered blender. At one point the Armored Carp and his crew stopped to lend a hand...and when they left, a helmet, a true artistic piece of work, was left behind. I wanted to ask for a REAL big bribe to get it back, but they sent the Sheriffs after me so I had to give it back :(

There were a few that went by before I got to my station, like the Tortoise and the Hare, but here's a list of the sculptures that I managed to record as I sat in the dunes of the North spit...mostly in order:
The Deliverance Truck
Roll on the Mattole
Beast Jerky
Fife on a Stick (before she caught on fire and was actually the last sculpture to head down the beach)
The Emperor's New Machine
Bouncing for Glory
Raiders of the Last Art
Ursa Vehicularis
Patriot Act
Henry Ford Goes Surfing
Monster Machine
Corpi Cruizer
Wok on the Wild Side
Head of the Class
Easy It Is
Super Beatle
June's Bloom
Foxie Biloxi’s Cadillac
Armored Carp
Krown Jewel of the Kween of Kontroversy
The Isle of the Lost Boys
.....and Bikin' Fools

As I headed back over the dunes to the Community Center I witnessed the Blaze of Glory crew taking time out of the race to use their push rope to assist a broken down Sheriff 4x4 back to the Community Center....wasn't that nice of them! I also saw the Pare County Chopper sitting on the lawn in front of the Center, and maybe another one or two sculptures...the Kinetic madness seems to still be affecting my memory. a few pictures of the beach:

Queen Mo with Roll on the Mattole sculpture at the Manila Community Center

The Emperor's New Machine get's new sand tires

Lupin in bloom on the Manila Dunes

Pretty yellow flowers on the Manila Dunes

The Deliverance Truck

The Emperor's New Machine on the sand

Bounce for Glory

Front end of Ursa Vehicularis

Back end of Ursa Vehicularis

Patriot Act

Henry Ford Goes Surfing


Corpis Cruiser from a team of CCC kids

Wok on the Wild Side

Head of the Class

Easy It Is

Super Beatle

This Ain't No John Deer

June's Bloom

Foxie Boloxi and her Picnk Katillac


Armored Carp

Armored Carp

Armored Carp

Krown Jewel of the Kween of Kontroversy

Shay the Kween of Kontroversy

The Isle of Lost Boys

The Armored Carp

Another view of the Armored Carp

The Bikin' fools

Master of the Race - Ellin

Here I am with the helmet that was left behind by the Armored Carp crew

And now I'm wearing it!

So here I am with the Sheriff....he's asking me to hand over the helmet!

Here I am getting ready to hand over the Armored Carp helmet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Thats all.